Checklist: 10 questions new parent should ask when seeking international school for children

Wellington Bangkok

Apart from parenting, one of the critical elements for nurturing children is selecting a school for kids. Without a doubt, parents want their children to be educated in a trustworthy institution.  International schools have been gaining popularity as many Thai parents prefer their children to be educated in an environment that helps them to be nurtured in a multicultural environment and cultivate an international way of thinking. Besides, they want their kids to strengthen their academic ability and second or third language skill to ensure that they are ready for their higher education within the country or aboard, which also means better an opportunity for their future career.

Bangkok is recognised as one of the cities with a wide variety of choice for international schools that offer different strengths. For parents who are seeking a school for kids, apart from general research, a school visit is also essential. Besides facilities, an environment that that is conducive to the child's learning is equally important. Here is a checklist for parents deciding to choose the best school and ensure that they pave the way for their children's best possible future.

Wellington Bangkok

1.     Does the school has a network or a linkage with the mother school overseas? How does the network enhance student development and international culture?                                                                                                                     The question should be the first on the list. There is a wide choice of international schools in Thailand, ranging from standalone schools to international schools that expand their brands from overseas, especially from the UK and the US.  Without a doubt, a school with a global linkage has an advantage in reputation and credibility. A long-established mother school with successful alumni has more credibility, especially in terms of an education standard. Parents should make sure about the strength of the school's network, the level of linkage with its mother school overseas, and how it enhances children's benefits in terms of the educational standard.

2.     How does the school ensure your child's safety at school?                                                                                               School is considered a second home for children where they spend most of their time learning from morning till afternoon or evening.  Safety and hygiene standards are, therefore, should not be overlooked. A trustworthy school should explain to parents about their safety systems and emergency practices, from trivial matters such as minor accidents in a class to important measures on how to handle incidents such as a pandemic, fire incident, natural disaster, or even in case of terrorism.

Wellington Bangkok

3. How does the school recruit and retain the best teachers?                                                                                                     Besides the curriculum that school offers, teachers are an essential part of children's learning activity. Each school has different approaches to its teacher recruitment. A good school should have a mindful teacher recruitment process, something beyond the teacher's application or job interview. The school should conduct an additional evaluation on the teacher's teaching skills, for example, by observing their teaching skills at their current school or having a conversation with his/her reference persons to find out more about the teacher's capability and attitude.  

4. How does the school keep students happy?                                                                                                                             A good education is not solely about academic excellence. It should also include children's happiness along the process of learning and skill development. Besides a classroom that is well equipped with an educational medium, parents should consider the school's facilities and its environment, which support children's recreation and social skills. Concerning the school environment - what are the school's social and cultural policies? For example, regarding bullying, how does the school train their teachers to handle such a situation effectively? How does the school instil good behaviour and the right attitude in children?    

Wellington Bangkok

5. How does the school implement curriculum to prepare students for higher education?                                               One of the parents' expectations is the success of their children at a good university. A good international school should have a good curriculum foundation that well prepares students to be ready for university. For example, if the family aims to support their kid to continue their study in the UK, parents should ensure that the school offers IGCSE or find out how the school prepares students for the A-Level examinations and what is the school's guidance for further study?  

6. What are the outstanding features that the school has?                                                                                                        Many international schools offer similar facilities, including a standard football field, swimming pool, cafeteria, or theatre. Beyond these facilities or school environment, parents must find out strengths that distinguish the school from the other, as minor details could significantly impact students' learning development. For example, some international school offers a Harkness class, a teaching and learning method involving students seated in a large, oval configuration to discuss ideas in an encouraging, open-minded environment with only occasional or minimal teacher intervention. It encourages critical thinking, a set of skills that will benefit future leader or CEO. At the Wellington College International School Bangkok, the school gives importance to this method and built the Harkness rooms specifically for their students.  

Wellington Bangkok

7. How does the school give importance to sports and arts?                                                                                           Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." A school that offers a range of activities to stimulate and inspire kid's creativity tends to have more successful students. Next time you conduct a school visit, you should not forget about the co-curricular area. Parents should find out details on programs such as arts, cultures, languages, sports, or other activities that enhance student's learning development in different areas.

8. How can parents participate in a student's learning process or other activities?                                                        Parents may need to find out about the school's guidance on parents' role or see if the school has a parent association or any platform for parents to exchange their thoughts and jointly enhance their kids' learning activities. Although the school offers an excellent curriculum, parents know the best about what their children want and enjoy learning. Therefore, parents should have opportunities to share and exchange ideas with the school.  

Wellington Bangkok

9. How does the school prepare/manage online learning? How does the school assess its effectiveness?

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has changed the reality of schooling for the foreseeable future. Besides the school's readiness in terms of health and safety measures, the school needs to explain its plan on online classes and how the school handles such the situation to ensure the online class's effectiveness. Whether it is live teaching or via a recorded video, the school should ensure that these classes suit children's development at each age. How does the school prepare the online course and balance the time that kids spend with screen and practical learning activities? Also, parents should find out how the school access the effectiveness of their online education.


10. How the school introduce a fee, and what are the benefits offered to parents? 

Some international schools have a complex fee structure. Therefore, parents should study details about fees carefully. Non-refundable fees include assessment fee and registration fee, while a refundable deposit can be paid back after the kid finishes or resigns from school. There are also different types of tuition fees, paid either on a team or a yearly basis. Also, parents need to know if the rate increases over time? There are also other expenses, including annual fee, book fee, lunch and snack fee, summer camp or field trip fee.

Also, parents should not forget to ask about the special offer. Some international schools are offering special deals for parents. For example, Wellington College International School Bangkok offers a 20% discount for up to 5 years and the same deal offered to the kids in the same family, which is a great option to consider.


Tags: Wellington College International School Bangkok  Wellington Bangkok International School International School Bangkok  International school for children